22,811 research outputs found

    Analisis Swot Dakwah Di Indonesia: Upaya Merumuskan Peta Dakwah

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    : A SWOT Analysis of Indonesia\u27s Proselytization (da‘wah), An Effort to Map Islamic Propagation in Indonesia. Islam is a religion of proselytization (da‘wah), advocating its adherents to invite humankind to have faith and to put it in action and direct their lives in line with Islamic values. At the practical level, proselytization as a noble service has not been managed professionally and unmeasurable. Proselytizers (dai) have not managed to become agents of change as demanded by Islamic social mission. As a result, the position of a proselytizer is not in high demand because it has not managed to guide the Islamic community forward. Thus, a comprehensive research to map current effort of proselytization to find out its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges is needed. This paper offer the argument that with a comprehensive map, along with professional planning and implementation, Islamic proselytization will provide solutions towards the variety of Islamic community problems in today\u27s age of globalization

    Kompetensi Guru dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi

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    This study aims to find out 1) an overview of teacher competency in ICT-based PAI learning in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare, 2) form of teacher competency implementation in ICT-based PAI learning in SMP Negeri 3 Pareparel, 3) supporting and inhibiting factors for implementing teacher competence in PAI learning ICT-based in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Research instruments are guidelines for observation, interviews, and documentation. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that: (1) PAI teachers in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare, if their competencies are analyzed starting from pedagogic competencies, personality competencies, social competencies, and professional competencies and leadership competencies can be stated that PAI teachers in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare already have good competency but still needs to be improved in order to be more optimal (2) Implementation of ICT-based PAI teacher competencies in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare, analyzed from the use of theory, development of fields of study, and the use of information and communication technology (ICT) but not maximal so it still needs to be improved. (3) Supporting factors for implementing the competence of PAI teachers in SMP Negeri 3 Parepare are curriculum, teaching staff, and a conducive atmosphere of the school environment, while the inhibiting factors are facilities and infrastructure that do not support

    Kurikulum Pesantren Dalam Perspektif Gus Dur; Suatu Kajian Epistemologis

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    Bahasa Indonesia:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendekripsikan tentang sepak terjang pemikiran KH. Abdurrahan Wahid (Gus Dur) tentang pesantren terkhusus kajian epistimologis tentang kurikulum pesantren. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan dan jenis penelitian kajian literatur, melalui literatur-literatur yang menjelaskan sejarah dan pemikiran Gus Dur. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah, secara geneaolgi, struktur keilmuan pesantren yang sekarang ini merupakan hasil dialektika antara dua kelompok besar dalam arus intelektualitas Islam di masa awal, yaitu hasil kombinasi sikap humanisme dan hasil serapan dari nalar berfikir filosofi Yunani yang sudah mengakar di Timur Tengah sejak agresi Sultan Iskandaria. Menurut Gus Dur, pesantren adalah lembaga yang berani mengambil lompatan pemikiran ala filosofi Yunani, namun di sisi yang lain mereka tetap mengedepankan al-Qur\u27an dan Hadith. Berdasarkan kajian epistemologisnya, kitab kuning difungsikan oleh kalangan pesantren sebagai referensi nilai universal dalam menyikapi segala tantangan kehidupan. Kitab kuning dipahami sebagai mata rantai keilmuan Islam yang dapat bersambung hingga pemahaman keilmuan Islam masa tabi\u27in dan sahabat hingga sampai pada Nabi Muhammad. Dalam pandangan Gus Dur, pesantren harus menjadikan ilmu agama sebagai dasar, tanpa meninggalkan pengetahuan yang lain agar santri lebih dapat mengembangkan potensi dirinya English:This research is proposed to describe the thought of KH. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) regarding Pesantren, especially the epistemological discourse on its curriculum. In this research, the author uses library research dealing with literature on history and thought of Gus Dur. The result of the study shows that contemporary Pesantren\u27s structure of knowledge is a dialectical result of two mainstreams in the early Islamic periods, involving humanism and adoption of helenestical tradition in the Middle East after the aggression of Alexandrian Sultanate. According to Gus Dur, pesantren is an institution taking a giant leap in thought a la Helenistic periods without putting aside the Qur\u27an and Hadits. Epistemologically, the yellow scripture takes a role as universal values in human life for pesantren disciples. The scripture is understood as a chain of Islamic knowledge from the Prophet and the companions. Gus Dur strongly agree with putting religion as the foundation of Pesantren, but secular knowledge must be taken as well in order to develop the pesantren disciples\u27 self potential

    Kehidupan Beragama Narapidana Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Wirogunan YOGYAKARTA

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    Rumah tahanan selain sebagai tempat penahanan sementara juga sebagai tempat rehabilitasi dan resosialisasi. Oleh karena itu perlu diketahui masalah-masalah apa saja yang terjadi antar sesama narapidana dalam berintegrasi sosial satu sama lainnya, dan sistem nilai budaya napi dalam hal ini meliputi pemahaman agama. Untuk itu, penulis tertarik untuk mengadakan penelitian terhadap warga narapidana yang sedang menjalankan hukuman di LP Wirogunan Yogyakarta pada tahun 1999

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pkn dengan Penerapan Model Koperatif Skrip Siswa Kelas VI Sdn 005 Bukit Kapur Kecamatan Bukit Kapur

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    The background of this study is the low student learning outcomes Civics Class VI SDN 005Bukit Kapur. This study aims to describe the results of learning by using the cooperativemodel script. The subjects were students of class VI SDN 005 Bukit Kapur consisting of twocycles. The data in this study focuses on improving learning outcomes. The instrument usedfor data collection is an oral test and a written test in the form of worksheets that do after thelearning process. Results showed absorption learning outcomes on average 93% in subjectscategorized Civics very good, very effective learning effectiveness categorized by an averageof 93%. While completeness of student learning outcomes otherwise completed 100%

    Modelling of total suspended particulates in Malaysian coastal waters using remote sensing techniques

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    This study focused on environmental remote sensing with the objective of constructing a remote sensing algorithm to determine Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) concentrations in Malaysian coastal surface waters. Other objectives included coral reef mapping and production of quantitative map of [TSP] using the remote sensing algorithm at the study area which was Tanjung Rhu, located northeast of Pulau Langkawi, Peninsular Malaysia. Measured [TSP] varied from 93.92 ± 50.10 mg/L to 148.65 ± 45.39 mg/L. The biogeographic distribution of the reef in Tanjung Rhu was mapped and the hermatypic coral species was identified taxonomically. Results were compared to a control site, Teluk Datai located northwest of Pulau Langkawi. There were 37 coral species in Tanjung Rhu and 76 species in Teluk Datai. The Jaccard's score was 27% indicating that the two reefs were quite diverse in their coral compositions. The development of a remote sensing algorithm is deemed necessary to provide a synoptic view of the potential problem within the coastal waters due to the early coastal development in Tanjung Rhu. Sedimentation studies showed sediment fractions were mainly biogenic materials and lithified sediments. Sediment fallout rates in Tanjung Rhu were 1,403.48 ± 125.60 g/m2/day (dry season) and 6,550.77 ± 641.43 g/m2/day (wet season). In Teluk Datai the sediment fallout rates were 1,532.99 ± 201.81 g/m2/day (dry season) and 12,446.45 ± 237.81 g/m2/day (wet season). The remote sensing algorithm, Suspended Particulate Algorithm for Coastal Remote Sensing (SPACoRS) developed from a modified Simple Radiative Transfer Model is defined as [TSP] (mg/L) = 0.6668e4 .3892x , where x represents (Rrs-toaTM31RrstoaTM2) ratio. SPACoRS is designed to determine [TSP] of 30 - 275 mg/L with primary material of TSP having high backscattering and low absorbance values. Sensitivity of SP ACoRS to produce higher accuracies was limited to TSP ~ 15Omg/L. SP ACoRS' s accuracy using Landsat Thematic Mapper data was 66%
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